Each year we celebrate the achievement of our Year 9 students in transitioning successfully to Nossal High School with a Big Day Out. In 2023, our Year 9s will participate in a day trip to Bounce as part of this celebration. It is a fantastic opportunity for our Year 9s to come together as a whole cohort.
Students will be attending Bounce House at 1 Five ways Boulevard, Keysborough VIC 3173 via school buses.
If students are running late in the morning, they can contact Ms Young.
Dress Code: Nossal Sport Uniform
Transport: Students will meet at school at 8:45am and take school buses to travel to the venue. Students will be dismissed at 12:30pm from school.
In the event that parents/guardians wish students to travel directly to and leave from the venue, please give consent to this event first, and then email eleanor.young@nossalhs.vic.edu.au with the following details before 5pm on 20th November.
– Parent/guardian name and contact number
– Student name, house and tutorial group
– How the student will be arriving to and departing from the venue
If students travel directly to the venue, they will need to be at the venue at 9:30am and they will be dismissed at 12pm.