SMR Cross Country 2023

Students have qualified to represent Nossal at the Southern Metropolitan Region competition for Cross Country.

Students are required to meet at the Nossal gym by 8:15am on the morning of the event to prepare for an 8:30am departure. If running late, students should contact Ms Coffa. We should return to school in time for Period 5, so students should come prepared for this lesson. If the weather has been dreadful and students are cold and wet, they will instead be sent home upon arrival back at school. Students will be provided with a program on Teams to confirm their race time.

When not racing, students are encouraged to bring a book or another activity (no sports equipment) to keep them entertained. They should also consider bringing something dry to sit on and extra warm and dry clothes, shoes and socks if the weather is poor.

Dress Code: Full Nossal Sport Uniform. A Nossal Athletics singlet will be provided that students are expected to wear. They may wish to wear a long sleeve black top for underneath this singlet.

Transport: Students will be transported via bus. Due to the rural location, independent transport is discouraged unless parents wish to come to watch.