SEN Year 10 Competition

The Select Entry Network Competition is a student lead initiative that allows Year 10 students to engage with students from other schools through friendly competition and activities. This is to be held on Friday October 20th, 2023, all day.

The purpose of this event is to enable students to express their identity, demonstrate their unique school culture and build connections with students from other selective schools. The various events have been designed to allow all students to engage with their strengths from sports to the creative arts. Students nominate themselves and will take responsibility for and participate in the activity while developing skills in teamwork and collaboration.

Nossal students are to arrive at Suzanne Cory High School by no later than 9:00am ready for roll marking out the front of the school. Students will be dismissed from the school at 2:30pm.
Suzanne Cory High School is at 225 Hoppers Lane, Werribee, Victoria 3030

They will meet Ms Chantelle Pumphrey and Ms Vaani Guruparan outside the school and then go to the designated area of the school. They will be given a booklet with the rules of the activity they are involved and the Code of Conduct for the day.
The students from Suzanne Cory are responsible for running and organising the events and students. Students can take a bus or train.
The following transport lines have routes that pass near Suzanne Cory High School

Bus: 160, 166, 498


Students will need to get off at Hoppers Crossing and walk to the school. If students are running late to the event, they should contact Ms Chanlette Pumphrey or Ms Guruparan.

Students will need to make sure that they take their own snacks, lunch, and a water bottle.