Volunteers for Internal Nossal High School Exams

We are seeking volunteers to assist with supervision of our internal Nossal High School exams.
Exams run from Friday 10 November to Friday 17 Nov (inc).  If you could spare an afternoon/morning/day throughout this period it would be greatly appreciated.  All that is required is a current Working With Children’s Check or if you don’t already have a WWCC you can complete the online registration for the accreditation at https://service.vic.gov.au/services/working-with-children Working with Children Check Cards are free for volunteers.

What do volunteer supervisors do?

  • work with the coordinating teacher to supervise exams to ensure that students comply with exam requirements
  • walk around the rows of students sitting exams
  • assist students with questions and escort them to the toilet
  • collect papers at the end of the exam

New volunteers have the opportunity to attend a one hour training/information session to familiarise themselves with the exam process and to ask any questions they may have.  This training/information session will be held on Wednesday 1 November from Midday until 1:00pm.

How do you sign up?

  • email your details including your phone number and the day(s)/times you would like to assist to vivian.horner@nossalhs.vic.edu.au
  • NB: please include information about your student’s year level/s in your email, as you are not able to assist in an exam your student is undertaking.
  • please advise if you will be attending the training session on Wednesday 1 Nov- Midday-1:00pm
  • phone the school for more details on 8762-4600
  • Viv will contact you closer to the date to confirm the days you have been allocated to supervise.

What do volunteers get for offering their time?

  • the opportunity to see and understand the pressures on our students
  • experience in and understanding of VCAA exam conditions, rules and processes
  • a good feeling that you have assisted the school community greatly by offering to supervise
  • food during meal breaks throughout the day
  • a letter from the Principal to thank you for the important role you have played
  • an invitation to the Volunteers Morning Tea later in the year

When you sign up for supervision we are relying on you to fulfil this very important commitment.
We look forward to hearing from you.

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