Parent Portal

Welcome to the Nossal Parent Portal.

If you have an enquiry regarding enroling your child at Nossal High School please check our Enrolment Infomation page for new enrolment information, applications dates and links.

Enrolment Documentation - New Students 2024
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Year 9, Year 10 & 11 Enrolment Information
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Compass Guide for Parents
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Publicity & Media Consent Form
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Quick Guide to Student Mental Health and Wellbeing
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Senior Subject Handbook 2024
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How to Guide Paying in Full - How do I make a payment via Compass?
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How to Guide Paying by Instalments - How do I make a payment via Compass?
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Bocca Foods - Menu and Online Ordering
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2024 Uniform and Booklist

Nossal Uniform Supplier and Second Hand Uniform Information
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Link to PSW - Nossal Uniform Supplier (including pricelist)
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2024 Year 9 Booklist
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2024 Early English Years 10-12 Book List
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2024 Senior School Booklist
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Campion Books Flyer - How to order online 2024
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Link to Campion Books - Nossal Booklist Supplier
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2023 into 2024 Second Hand Booklist
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Link to Sustainable School Shop - Second Hand Books and Uniforms
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2024 Instrumental Music Program

We encourage all students (and the wider community) to become involved in our program, whether through performance or composition, academic excellence, friendship or just for fun!

View the Nossal Instrumental Music section on our website which includes the 2024 Instrumental Music Program Booklet and the 2025 Instrumental Music Program Enrolment Form (the 2025 form will be uploaded soon).

2024 Fees & Charges

Please see the 2024 Nossal High School’s voluntary financial contributions for 2024. With your ongoing assistance we are able to continue to develop the young leaders of the future.

2024 Year 9 Parent Funded Fees and Charges
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2024 Year 10 Parent Funded Fees and Charges
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2024 Year 11 Parent Funded Fees and Charges
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2024 Year 12 Parent Funded Fees and Charges
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Parent Billing Guide
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Parent Payments Overview
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Parent/Carer Occupation Codes
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Below are links to important information and websites relevant to current Nossal families.

Term Dates
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Important Nossal Dates - Year 9 2024
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Nossal Parents & Friends Association
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Nossal School Council
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Extended Absence and VCE Processes
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Parent Learning Hub
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Links to Nossal Partners - Compass, Booklist, Uniform, etc.,
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Contact Nossal Staff

You can contact your child’s teachers by telephoning the school office on 8762 4600. Our reception staff will forward your call to the appropriate teacher’s extension. If the teacher is unavailable, you have the option of leaving a recorded message on their voice mail or calling back at a later time. Many teachers will provide email contact details to students and may also be contacted through Compass using your parent login.

Nossal parents/carers can also contact these departments directly via email by using the following links:

Annual Reports
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