Nossal High School recognises the importance of daily attendance to maximise success in education and to ensure students don’t fall behind either socially or developmentally. This development takes place in both formal academic classes and scheduled co-curricular activities. Students are expected to attend school every day and be present in all scheduled classes and activities. Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students. Absences and lateness to classes will affect attendance rates.
It is the unconditional policy of Nossal High School that every student must attend classes until their final assembly. Any student who has not completed all course requirements will be expected to attend school until they have satisfied all these requirements.
Student attendance at the Annual Speech Night is compulsory. Attendance at all House events (Swimming, Athletics, Cross Country and House Performing Arts Festival) is also compulsory and contributes to the attendance requirement.
Early Departure
A student who needs to be excused from school for any part of the day must bring a note signed by their parent/carer, specifying the date, time and reason for the absence, and present this note to the Attendance Officer. Prior to departure from school the student must scan out via the attendance kiosk. The printed pass from the kiosk must be shown to the Attendance Officer who will provide the student with an Early Leaver Pass. Students must show staff the pass as they leave if requested.
Students are not allowed to leave school grounds during the day. Specific exceptions to this rule exist for Year 12 students only, as follows:
Year 12s have permission to study at the Berwick Campus of Federation University in their study periods, but they must sign out when they leave and in again when they return. Year 12s are also permitted to sign out and leave after Period 4 if they have a study period during Period 5.
Extended Absence
Extended absence during school terms is strongly discouraged. Attendance rates and success in academic studies are strongly correlated, with students most likely to perform well in their academic studies when they attend school consistently. Participation in class enables the student to build their skills with guidance, support and feedback from their teachers. It should be noted that extended absences can place undue stress on the student who may feel that they will fall behind in their studies.
Any requests for extended absence during the school term are to be submitted in writing to the Principal prior to the absence. This absence should also be communicated to teachers who may provide work for completion while the student is absent. Any student who has commenced studies in Unit 3&4 VCE should not expect to be granted permission for extended absence for family travel. Absence during this time may impact the attendance requirements for satisfying their VCE studies.
Absence During Assessment Periods
Year 9, Year 10, Unit 1&2
In general, students who are absent for an assessment task will negotiate with their teacher to sit the task at another time. For students in Years 9 – 11, this will not typically require the provision of formal documentation (e.g. medical certificates, statutory declarations or official documentation from other professionals) unless the task which is being missed is of particular importance. The end of year examinations are the exception to this rule. All students who miss their end of year examinations require some form of documentation to justify this absence (e.g. approval from the Director of VCE & Pathways due to VCAA commitments, a medical certificate etc). They will not be given an opportunity to sit these examinations at alternative times unless they are participating in a School Approved Activity.
Unit 3&4
All Unit 3 and 4 students who are absent without acceptable reason throughout a period in which School Assessed Course work (SAC) assessment is being conducted will not receive a scored assessment for that SAC. If the student is to be allowed to undertake the assessment on another occasion or to be given an extension of time, all absences during assessment periods require formal documentation (e.g. medical certificates, statutory declarations, or official documentation from other professionals).
Students who are absent due to illness should contact their subject teacher and the Director of VCE on the day of the SAC. They must obtain permission from the Director of VCE to sit SACs at an alternative time.
In the case of school-based activities, which potentially interfere with an assessment period, students involved in the activity must apply in advance for a Variance to SAC time to complete the assessment. This must be done via an application form available from the Director of VCE, and students should be aware that permission will only be given after consideration of the circumstances and permission may be refused.
Please note: Sitting a SAC at a different time generally means that you will be given different work to complete.