2nd Instalment due – Parent Contributions

The Nossal High School Council have established the fee schedule for the 2025 Parent Funded Contributions.

If you have chosen to pay your Parent Contributions by instalments, the dates are as follows:

Instalment  Instalment Due Date
1st Instalment Tuesday 11 March
2nd Instalment Tuesday 10 June
3rd Instalment Monday 8 September
4th Instalment Monday 10 November

We appreciate your ongoing support to enable us to move beyond the basic provision of a teacher and a classroom to create the sort of vibrant and comprehensive program which is so essential to the development of highly able students. With your ongoing assistance we can continue to develop the young leaders of the future.

All parents enrolling their student at Nossal anticipate and indeed expect a high-level curriculum program that is supported by camps, excursions, incursions and extracurricular activities. These electives incur a significant cost and cannot be provided free of charge, nor can there be an expectation of one student’s payment subsidising another. Your student will be included in all relevant user pays electives throughout their time at Nossal and to this end we respectfully request your priority attention to the settlement of family accounts.

Information regarding the schedule and payment options can be found on the Compass Portal.

  1. Please logon to Compass at https://nossalhs-vic.compass.education/ using your current username and password
  2. To the top right of the screen click on ‘Payments Centre’
  3. Select the ‘Contributions’ for the relevant year level
  4. Select the appropriate items and nominate your payment option.

Please see the attached Compass Payment ‘How to’ guides for your reference. These step-by-step instruction guides will help you navigate the payment process for paying your Parent Contributions either in full or by instalments.

Compass Pay Billing – Pay in Full How to Guide

Compass Pay Billing – Pay by Instalments How to Guide

If you are experiencing financial hardship, please do not hesitate to contact the school to make a confidential arrangement to address your account on 8762 4600 or by email at finance@nossalhs.vic.edu.au.